
Thursday, September 10, 2015

MLQ: Reflection: Indianapolis Intensity

By Blake Fitzgerald

I was very impressed with MLQ this year, especially given the fact that this was its first year in existence. Ethan Sturm, Amanda Dallas, and everyone who worked behind the scenes were proactive in turning this vision of professional quidditch into something extraordinary.

The strict rules of the league impressed me the most. The roster issue that occurred at the opening series between the Detroit Innovators and the Indianapolis Intensity could have proven that MLQ was going to be a pushover, but instead the organization proved that its rules were to be respected. Not only did MLQ reinforce the rules, but it accomplished this in a very timely manner. The would­-be first game was struck from the record books before the following game was even finished.
Photo Credit: Jessica Jiamin Lang Photography

My experience playing with my teammates on the Indianapolis Intensity and against other teams in the league was equally as enjoyable as playing during the USQ season. There were some moments during the summer where tempers flared and people got upset, but I think that is reasonable to expect in any game or league. 

Going into a three-game set with a team is a lot different strategically than going into a tournament. I personally prefer playing tournaments to three-game sets because there is a more definite conclusion in a tournament. In bracket play, there might be eight teams all playing to be the last one standing, but if you win the first two games of a three-game set and lose the third, you still win the set. Being the team who wins the final game of the tournament seems like the larger triumph, but I definitely enjoyed the change of pace that MLQ brought. Now that it is time to turn my focus toward the USQ season, I will leave MLQ and the Intensity with a final thought until next summer’s league: I wholeheartedly enjoyed coaching all of my teammates alongside Tyler Walker, and I loved playing in MLQ.

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