
Sunday, September 20, 2015

An Open Letter from McGill Quidditch to Quidditch Canada

Dear Quidditch Canada,

As you are well aware, recent policy changes have put a major hitch in McGill’s plans for the upcoming season. While we appreciate QC trying to rectify the situation, evidence from the past year makes it clear that McGill Quidditch will not benefit from QC membership under the current setup. However, we believe that Quidditch Canada – and Canadian quidditch – can and will be made stronger if we work together. We by no means consider the errors of the past season to be malicious; they are all surmountable issues. But in order for QC to properly represent the needs of Canadian teams, QC must be aware of the needs of Canadian teams. For this to be possible and to ensure that QC operates as a more democratic entity in the future, we would like to propose the following conditions. Once this proposal is accepted, we believe we will be able to justify to our members the value of renewing our membership in Canada, and begin a long and healthy partnership where quidditch can grow at McGill, in Quebec, and across our nation.

-Quidditch Canada is to establish a committee of teams representatives, with one representative from every established team in Canada that wishes to participate.

-This teams’ reps committee must be informed of and consulted on all policy changes before they are finalized.

-If two-thirds (2/3) of the team representatives reject a policy, the policy must be revisited and modified, incorporating teams’ feedback until it passes.

-The teams’ reps committee has the right to propose policies, which if approved by two-thirds (2/3) of its members, must be incorporated (with modifications if necessary).

-All QC director positions will henceforth have a duration of one year and directors must be re-elected at the end of their one-year term if they wish to continue their directorship with QC.

- All current QC members are eligible to vote and run for all positions. Voting will occur online, and a chief electoral officer, who cannot be a candidate in the election, will be appointed.

McGill Quidditch plans to make this proposal public to the Canadian quidditch community. If Quidditch Canada agrees to adopt these conditions, we expect acceptance of the proposal to be publicized through the official QC Facebook page and the QC website.

We look forward to registering both our teams with Quidditch Canada once these conditions are agreed upon, with the expectation that all changes will be implemented by December 31st, 2015. Please get back to us with your decision by October 1st and feel free to email us with questions at any time.

All the best,
Robyn Fortune
President of McGill Quidditch

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